You've built your brand integrity and your reputation one job and one client at a time. You cannot afford to have a data breach. Whether you’re an accountant or a lawyer, a tax preparer or a management consultant - the trust that you’ve built with your clients is critical to your very existence.
Building a resilient information security program will provide the assurance you need to ensure that your practice remains protected. Whether your systems are on premises or in the cloud - you need controls that will guarantee that your clients data remains protected. Increasingly, clients are adopting vendor integrity programs that ensure security controls are in place.
More and more professional firms are working remotely. The adaptations that were necessary during the global pandemic have continued to provide flexibility and convenience. You need to ensure that the remote capability you’ve built remains secure.
Beyond building a solid information security program, communicating what you’re doing to protect your clients is a necessary part of the job. Consumers are wary of their data being exposed or held hostage. It’s important for your team to be able to speak effectively about how they protect client data.
Net Reaction works with professional firms to assess their unique risks, to develop plans to mitigate those risks, and to work with the mix of staff, third parties, and vendors that your firm relies on. Every firm is unique. Each needs its own unique program. Net Reaction understands the complexity of working in today’s fast paced world.
We would love to work with you.